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Yoga Teacher's Mentorship Circle

Join me for a  group mentorship program for yoga instructors to receive support and feedback on your teaching. We will meet in person, with online group and 1-1 support in between. 



Is this mentorship for you?


There are many yoga amazing yoga teachers out there with similar offerings to this program. I honestly want you to choose the one that resonates the most with you because that is the one you will get the most out of. 


Here's a bit more info so you can get a feeling of what this mentorship is about:​


  • I believe that we are the most effective teachers when we are brave enough to be ourselves. It can be a very scary thing to be ourselves in front of 20 people instead of what we think a yoga teacher "should" talk and act like. But ultimately, being yourself is what will help you to connect to your students and find the people who love to practice with you.

  • Participants will have a lot of opportunities to practice teaching and receive feedback, as well as ask questions on sequencing, cadence, alignment, teaching techniques, holding space and much more.

  • More challenging poses to teach will be chosen by the group and will be broken down to help you not only teach them in your classes, but also to help make them more accessible to your students at different levels of practice. 

  • We will try to have some fun! My goal for this mentorship is for you develop more confidence in your teaching by challenging to leave your comfort zone and at the same time giving you love and support. Because this shit can be hard! ;)


Click here to read more about my own teaching journey. 


Questions? Please reach out here! 

3 Month Mentorship Includes:

  • 3  x  3 hour group in person classes (1 per month). These will include lots of opportunities to practice teaching and receive feedback. Each class there will be a group discussion that could include: class sequencing, alignment, teaching more challenging poses and how to scale these poses in multilevel classes, boundaries, finding your niche, etc.  

  • 3 x 30 - 60 minute online 1:1 zoom sessions (1 per month) with myself to ask questions and speak about individual feedback and goals.

  • Group online support including a Facebook group to share and ask questions and email support with myself.


Cost: $399 + gst




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